Aims and Goals

Introduction – Shere Panjab – Serving the community

Who is Shere Panjab (SP)
The Shere Panjab is a community welfare movement designed to bring back honourable principals and high morals within our community. Our main concept is self preservation, to preserve the identity, honour and dignity of the Sikh community.

Shere Panjab has been created with versatile purposes which all interconnect to the sole aspiration of serving the community. Shere Panjab recognises that there are outstanding problems within the community that require addressing and we hope to develop the underlying foundations, which will enable the Kaum to tackle these issues directly. Shere Panjab aims to develop a better understanding of the Sikh faith and introduce the Sikh way of life into lives of the Sangat (community). Through this forethought we hope to create a society that encourages greater cohesion, unity, solidarity and harmony.  

Shere Panjab values
Shere Panjab aims to promote the following key values of Sikhi;

1)     Naam Japna - Meditation on the Divine Name Waheguru with love and devotion. To be in tune with the Infinite through meditation on the Divine qualities so that the believer becomes filled with His Naam.

2)   Kirt Karna - honest earning of bread with dignity and labour. To earn one's livelihood through creative, productive and honest labour.

3)     Wand Chhakna - To share the fruits of earnings with the needy. Sharing with and caring for the needy and sick. Help those people who cannot help themselves.

4)    Seva – Carrying out the duty of Selfless Seva (service) to serve the local, national and International community. Seva will be delivered through various means such as; Guru ka Langar, creating Sikhi awareness, highlighting key issues affecting the kaum, promoting unity and Sikhi counselling for community experiencing broad ranges of issues.

The importance of our Gurus

Shere Panjab believes it is paramount that the community is aware of the teachings of the 10 Gurus and Guru Granth Sahib ji. The 10 Guru’s sahiban are the embodiment of Guru Granth Sahib ji which provide fundamental teachings of living in Sikhi jeevan.

Guru Granth Jee Maaneo, Pargat Guraa Ki Deh \
Realise that Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is the eternal embodiment of all the Gurus.

Shere Panjab feels that if one is to obtain a true understanding of Sikhi, one must learn the language of Gurmukhi and be able to recite Guru Granth Sahib ji.

Guru Nanak Dev ji received a Hukam (commandment) from God instructing him to spread a message of truth based on devotion to One God, honesty, and compassion. The soul of Guru Nanak Dev ji passed on to nine successors, who elaborated on the first Guru's teachings to give form to complete way of life. The final form was given by the tenth and last Guru, Gobind Singh ji, who started the Sikh initiation ceremony: initiated Sikhs formed a community of saint-soldiers known as Khalsa, the Pure Ones. Guru Gobind Singh ji also made it clear that, after him, the Guru-eternal for Sikhs would be their holy scripture, Guru Granth Sahib ji.

Shere Panjab against disrespect of Guru Granth Sahib ji
Shere Panjab is strongly against any type of disrespect towards Guru Granth Sahib Ji and feels that we as a organisation have responsibility to highlight these issues to the Sangat.  Shere Panjab would like to make it apparent that if we become aware of disrespect (Beadbi) of Guru Granth Sahib ji, we will show full support and campaign against such actions. We would like to note that the Sangat have a responsibility of informing organisations such as ourselves of any Beadbi so we can undertake the appropriate action. 

We must forever remember the immortal words of the 7th Master Sri Guru Har Rai Sahib Ji,
Jin Bhae Adab Naa Baanee Dharaa | Jaanoh(u) So Sikh Nahee(n) Hamaaraa |
He who has no fear or respect of Gurbani. Know that he is not my Sikh.

Furthermore,  Sant Gyani Jarnail Singh Ji 'Khalsa' Bhinderawale once said...

"All of you Sikhs, living in the villages and the cities, youngsters, those who call themselves Sikhs, why have you fallen asleep? If someone has set fire to our Guru, Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, and his son just talks and doesn't do anything, does he have the right to call himself a son of that Guru?"

Shere Panjab – Protecting the sovereignty of our homeland
Shere Panjab welcomes the support of other Sikh and non-Sikh organisations that make the environment we live in a better place.  We aim to get people involved with seva and take  contact details to keep sevadars informed of programs or any important issues regarding the Sikh panth.

Sikhi helpline
Shere Panjab is aiming to set up a Sikhi helpline aimed to help those people who suffer pain in silence and give them support to tackle these problems directly. The helpline will be for the whole community and the sevadars of Shere Panjab will give their full support to each person who has an issue/problem, everything will be kept confidential and aim to give them a view in Sikhi terms on how to resolve these issues.

Hold Charity events
Shere Panjab will hold charity events/ Kirtan darbars / set up stalls at different Guru Kars. All money that will be raised will be going back into seva for the sangat, as well as helping shaheedi families who don’t have the sufficient finiacial support that is required.

Promote healthy living
Shere Panjab would also like create awareness to the community in particular the youth of the importance of a healthy lifestyle. We will encourage the sangat to undertake an active lifestyle through exercise and eating a well maintained diet to benefit them in the long term. Shere Panjab believes a healthy lifestyle is key in making us who we are today. After all you are what you eat, so we will give people views on what type of foods are ideal for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, along with the consequences are of eating unhealthy foods.

Promote unity
Shere Panjab believes unity within our community is where our strength lies. If we are united as one community then we can stand and tackle any problems the Sikh Panth faces together and stronger. However, if we are divided amongst each other we will fall and our voice will not heard. Therefore, we aim to promote unity amongst our people because if we stand together under one keshri Nishaan sahib UNITED, only then can we go forward as a panth.